March 2nd Arnprior Show

0313_Arnprior3This past Sunday I had the privilege of performing in Fiddlin’ Fiesta 2014, an annual fiddle show in Arnprior. Held at the Chrysostom Parish Hall, it is a fundraiser for the community. This a big fiddle event for the Ottawa Valley drawing some of the top musicians, which is why I was so thrilled to be part of the show!

I really enjoyed the performance! I played on the same stage as Bruce Armitage, Dennis Harrington, Emma and Will Marsh, and Terry Lynn Mahusky. It was a great promotional concert and a lot of fun!

Here is a link to a news article that appeared in a local community paper in Ottawa: 12th annual fiddlin fiesta

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Photos: Here I am with Bruce Armitage. I also joined in a fiddle jam with all performers. Below, I am pictured with my friend and piano accompanist Jim Hunter. 


